To Create Beauty is a multidisciplinary studio with a focus on holistic skincare, ceramics, and education. Their goal is to inspire others TO CREATE BEAUTY , through whichever medium speaks to their soul.

Project scope
Logo Design
Brand Direction
Website Design


Our branding journey started with this sketch. Evan wanted to play on the universal symbol of the spiral. The spiral can be found in nature, math, architecture, and just about anywhere else you look. Once you notice it, you can’t unsee it. We aimed to capture this universal feeling, and blend it with themes around holistic body work, healing, and skincare.

Evan and I kept coming back to this phrase, “The song of the body”. The idea came to me one morning looking at images of a woman in different yoga poses in a magazine. The spread next to it was an image of a wave. Upon the first sketch, we knew this was the symbol of TO CREATE BEAUTY.

More on the branding

The SPIRAL is a powerful motif. Life is always changing. There is no beginning or end, only evolution. TO CREATE BEAUTY’s branding aims to highlight this journey, connecting with those who feel the call to go within. A constant winding journey inward, listening to the song of the body.Similar to the cathedral-like feeling you experience when standing in the Redwood forest, we hope our brand influences you to lean in to the sacred pause, that great relief that is always available to you.


The Mudd House